Journal List > J Korean Med Assoc > v.48(10) > 1080582

Lee: Badminton Injuries and Rehabilitation


Badminton is a popular sport in Korea. However, medical records about badminton injuries are rare. Compared to other sports, badminton is of low risk, and most injuries related to badminton are overused injuries and are localized to the food and ankle. The frequent ones are medial/lateral epicondylitis, shoulder impingement syndrome, Achilles tendinitis, infra patellar tendinitis, hip bursitis, and spondylolysis/spondylolisthesis etc. The rehabilitation program include control of pain and swelling; restoring the full range of motion; increasing muscular strength, endurance and power; reestablishing neuromuscular control; improving balance; maintaining cardiorespiratory fitness; and incorporating functional progressions. The most important point in rehabilitation is regular follow-up during the healing process.

Figures and Tables

Table 1


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