A high percentage of patients with disorders of the lacrimal drainage system present to the ophthalmologists with the complaint of epiphora. These patients complain of the blurred vision due to tear, and "mattering" and pain of the eyes due to secondary conjunctivitis and acute or chronic dacryocystitis. The aim of surgery on the lacrimal drainage system to relieve epiphora or acute and chronic inflammations of the eye and the lacrimal system. Although the causes of congenital and acquired obstructions are different, the accurate knowledge on the anatomy, the causes of obstruction, and the diagnostic methods is essential in the evaluation of patients with epiphora and for the optimal management of obstruction of the lacrimal drainage system. In this article the author will discuss the surgical managements of disorders of the lacrimal drainage system associated with age, focusing on the degree and position of obstruction from a review of the published data.
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