Journal List > J Korean Med Assoc > v.44(11) > 1079922

Lim: Gender Identity Disorder


Gender identity disorders are characterized by strong and persistent cross-gender identification (not merely a desire for any perceived cultural advantages of being the other sex), as well as a persistent discomfort with one's sex or sense of inappropriateness in the gender role of that sex. There are no well-established or exhaustive explanations for the development of gender identity disorder. Gender identity appears to be established and influenced by psychosocial factors during the first few years of life. However, many authors have argued for biological factors, if not causative, may predispose an individual to a gender identity disorder. Because most gender dysphoric individuals have adamant requests for sex reassignment (many often already taking opposite-sex hormones supplied by other physicians), it is extremely difficult to engage the patients in treatment with anything other than surgical reassignment as the goal. However, because surgery is irreversible, it is important to engage these patients in psychotherapy, even if surgery is indicated. The therapist should be careful to base the goals of therapy on what is desired by the patient. Behavior therapy has been used to modify specific cross-gender behaviors of child with gender identity disorder.

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