Journal List > J Korean Soc Fract > v.9(4) > 1078457

Cho, Choi, and Kim: Arthroscopieally Assisted Insertion of a Supracondylar Intramedullary Nail for Distal and Supracondylar Femoral Fracture: Technique Report


The retrograde supracondylar interlocking nail has been selectively used for the treatment of the supracondylar fracture of the femur. The open method using open medial arthrotomy increases the morbidity of the knee joint while the blind technique using minimal incision can cause the intra-articular complications owing to its blindness of procedure.
In this article, we sought the safe method of insefion to reduce the complications of knee joint by minimal incision and also, using the auhroscopic guide.
According to our method using arthrposcopic technique we concluded it has the potential benifits over the open or blind methods as early knee enercise, early soft tissue healing, decreased risk of damage to the intra-articular stiuctures, earlier convalescence with reduced hospitalization time, and better cosmesis.

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