Journal List > J Korean Soc Fract > v.9(3) > 1078405

Oh, Moon, Ko, Kang, and Kim: Problems and complication after Interlocking Intramedullar Nailing for Femoral Shaft Fracture


Fracture of the femoral shaft, is among most common fractures in orthopaedics, with its aspect becomming more complex. Since the introduction of Kuncher Nail, closed rodding techinque and locking nail system were followed with additional feature of preventing shortening and rotation as well as allowing early weight bearing and joint motion. With their wide application, we met many problems during the operative procedure due to delicient concept and technique.
We have checked the possible problems during and after the procedure of interlocking nailing for the femoral fractures in 65 cases.
1. With poor selection of implant, long, short and small nail were used in 5, 3 & 2 cases, respectively.
2. In the process of operation, inlet error, angular & rotational deformity, femoral neck fracture, failure (or loossening) of distal screws were 2,10, 1, and 4 cases, respectively.
3. A New fragment was made in 7 cases(11%) durinbg surgery, especially medial side and distal to the fracture line.
4. Post-operative deep infection were developed in 2 cases.
5. Post-operative metal failure and delayed(or non) union was 1 and 7(11%) cases, delayed union (or nonunion) occured in 3 cases(20%) after open reduction while following closed reduction in 4 cases(8%).

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