Journal List > J Korean Soc Fract > v.9(2) > 1078381

Park, Yoon, Hong, Son, and Kim: Operative Treatment of Calcaneal Fracture


In the past, the treatment of calcaneal fracture was mainly non-operative, because of its unique shape, difficulties arose in understanding the pathoanantomy of the fractures. Following to advancement in imaging techinique including CT scan, which became to evaluate fracture patterns of the calcaneal fracture more accurately, the operative treatment has been popularized.
The extensive lateral approach for intra-articular calcaneal fracture which was reported by Letournel in 1988, provides sufficent exposure of calcaneus and allows the easier reduction, rigid fixation and early mobilization.
The 11 tases of 10 patients of intra-articular fractures of calcaneus were treated with open reduction and internal fixation through extensive laterai approach form Jan.1992 to Dec. 1994. The satisfactory result were observed in 8 cases(73%) by Stephenson criteria.
It was concluded that operativa treatment will be better to the intra-articula fracture of the calcaneus than the conservative treatment.

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