Journal List > J Korean Soc Fract > v.9(2) > 1078380

Kim, Kim, Lee, Ko, Lee, and Kim: Surgical Treatment of Intra-articular Fracture of the Os Calcis


Intra-articular fractures involving the posterior facet of the subtalar joint are associated with significant and prolonged disability.
But, the treatment of choice for displaced intra-articular calcaneal fractures remains controversial.
We treated 30 displaced intra-articular fractures of the calcaneus by open 1eduction and internal fixation through the lateral approach with autogenous bone graft at the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Choong-ang Gil and Dong Inchon Gil Ceneral Hospital from January 1990 to October 1994
The clinical and radiographic analyses were as follows.
1. Of 26 patients, 20 patients were male and 6 patients were female.
2. The main cause fractures of calcaneus was a fall from a height in 23 cases(88%) and most of associ ated fractures were spine injury in 6 patients.
3. Fracture was classified according to Essex-Lopresti classification. 13 cases were tongue type, 17 cases were joint depression type.
4. Alt Open reduction and internal fixation through the laterl approach with bone graft was performed in joint depression type and tongue type.
5. The preoperative ayerage Bohlers angle was - 5. The postoperative avereage Bohlers angle was -24, Which was increased significantly.
6. Complications were 12 cases ; included heel pad pain in 8 caLes, osteomyelitis and superficial wound infection in 2 cases, transient sensory hypesthesia on the lateral side of the foot in 2 cases.
7. Based on assessement of Salama, the results were excellent in 5 cases, good in 1 Teases, fair in 6 cases, poor in 2 cases.

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