Journal List > J Korean Soc Fract > v.9(2) > 1078367

Sohn, Kim, and Lee: The Treatnent of Fracture and Nonunion of the Carpal Scaphoid


The scaphoid fracture is the most common fracture in carpal bones and its incidence of nonunion, avascular necrosis and ostoarthritis is high because of its precarious blood supply and diffculties of diagnosis and treatment.
Authors analyzed 14 cases of carpal scaphoid fractures that treated at the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery College of Medicine, Dong-A University from March 1991 to February 1994
The results were obtained as follows
1. The results of treatment were evaluated by Maudsley method. Excellent or good results were 7 of 8 cases in the Herbert screw fixation, 1 of 2 cases in the K-wire fixation and all cases in the conservative treatment and the bone graft.
2. The mean duration of immobilization was no significant difference regardless of the treatment method in fractures. But in nonunions,there was a decreased immbilization time with the Herbert screw fixation as comparing with the K-wire fixation.
3. In fractures, Herbert screw fixation showed early bone union comparing to other treatments.
And there was no significant difference of bone union regardless of the treatment method in nonunion.

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