Journal List > J Korean Soc Fract > v.9(1) > 1078345

Sohn, Chang, An, and Park: Lateral Condyle Fracture of Tibia Treated by Open Reduction and Internal Fixation


Tibial condyle fracture involving articular surface can produce some disabilities of the knee because they are usually accompanied with the injuries of the ligaments and menisci. Though recent studies suggest that anatomical reduction and rigid fixation of the fracture followed by early knee mobilization have improved clinical end results, the results were not always successful. The lateral condyle fracture is more often in the incidence than the medial one. This is due to the physiologic valgus of the knee, the weaker trabeculation under the lateral tibial plateau, and the increased frequency of valses injuries as the knee is protected medially by the contralateral side.
Eighteen lateral condyle fractures of the tibia treated by open reduction and internal fixation at the Our Lady of Mercy Hospital from June 1991 through February 1995 were analized.
The results are as follows.
1. The patients were 13 males and 5 females, mean age was 39.2 years and mean follow up-period was 19.2 months.
2. The most common cause was motor vehicle accident(8 cases,44.4%).
3. The most frequent type of fracture was split(8 cases,44.4%) by Rasmussens lateral condyle fracture classification and the next was split-compression(6 cases,33.3%).
4. According to Blokkers criteria,15 cases(83.3%) had satisfactory results.
Among 3 cases of unsatisfactory results, 1 developed secondary degenerative change, 1 had valgus instability and 1 secondary degenerative change and mild valgus instability.
It is thought that the most important factor influencing results was the anatomical reduction of the articular surface, rigid fixation and early joint mobilization.

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