Journal List > J Korean Soc Fract > v.8(1) > 1078321

Yoon, Oh, Kang, Kim, and Lee: Clinical Study for Humerus Intercondylar Fracture in Adult


The intercondylar fracture of distal humerus in adult is difficult to treat. Because it is difficult to obtain accurate anatomical reduction atd rigid internal fixation due to comminution and intraarticular components.
The authors review the 13 cases of intercondylar fracture of the distal humerus in adult that were treated at the orthopaedic department of Sung Ae Hospital, from JAN 1988 to JUN 1992, and the result are as follows:
1. It was frequently occured in 3rd and 4th decades active male and old female over 60 years old.
2. We think that cast hinge elbow brace is recommendable method for improvement of elbow ROM through early active motion.
3. For accurate anatomical reduction and rigid internal fixation, transolecranon approach is recommended for the suffcient exposure of the articular surface.

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