Journal List > J Korean Soc Fract > v.8(2) > 1078248

Kang, Shin, and Lee: Treatment of the distal radius fractures with open reduction and internal fixation


Treatment of displaced or comminuted intra-articular fractures of distal radius is often difficult and demanding. Emphasis has been on achieving and maintaining an anatomical reduction of the fragments by open reduction and internal fixation.
We analyzed twenty nve cases of intra-articular fracture of distal radius treated with open reduction and internal fixation from January 1989 to December 1993 by the method of Gartland and Werley (clinical) and Lidstrom(radiologic)
The results of this study were as follows.
1. 84% of the patients had satisfactory results on the basis of the subjective criteria of minimal deformity, absence of pain, and good strength.
2. 88% of the patients had satisfactory results on the basis of radiologic and clinical evaluation.
3. When the intra-articular step-off exceeded 2mm, the results were only fair.
4. If one cannot achieve and maintain a articular step-off of 2mm or less, open reduction of the fracture should be considered.

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