Journal List > J Korean Soc Fract > v.7(1) > 1078134

Go, Yoon, and Ahl: Clinical Results of the Delayed & Non-union of the Long Bones with Interlocking Intramedullary Nailing


Delayed & non-union are common complications of the fracture of long bones. Many kinds of treatment modalities for delayed & non-union have been reported, but rigid fixation and bone graft have been the most common accepted method.
The interlocking Intramedullary nailing technique has advantages which the rigid internal fixation and bone grafting effect of reaming debris.
We treated nine cases of delayed & non-union of femur and tibia at the Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Seoul Paik Hospital from Jan. 1990 to Octo. 1992 and results were as follows.
1. Nine cases of the delayed & non-union were consisted by 7 cases of femur and 2 cases of tibia.
2. Causes of delayed & non-union were failure of implants in 4 cases, inadequate and inappropriate immobilization in 3 cases, and persistent gap in 2 cases.
3. Union was achieved in 7 cases and union rate is 77.8%.

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