Journal List > J Korean Soc Fract > v.3(2) > 1077955

Kim, Cho, Chung, and Lee: Supracondylar-Intercondylar Fracture of the Femur Treatment by Internal Fixation Using May Anatomical Contouring Plate


Between Jan. 1988 and Dec. 1989, 15 supracondylar-intercondylar fractures of the femur were treated in the department of orthopaedic surgery, Hanyang University, College of medicine.
The advantages of the May Anatomical contouring plate are:
1. The device is self-reducting, so the reduction of the fracture was easy.
2. The device facilitates good condylar fixation even in the osteoportic bone of the elderly patients without destruction of the fragment.
3. Distal end of the jplate is not heavy, so any problem of the soft tissue was not encountered.
4. A small amount of equipment and procedure was required, so the time of operation could be shortened.
The results were as follows:
1. Seven patients were male and four patients were femal.
2. The fracture was caused by a motor-vehicle accident in eight cases, a fall in two cases, and slip down in two cases.
3. There were one I, two II, two II, eight III fractures according to Neer classification.
4. The method of treatment was open reduction and figid iinternal fixation using May anatomical contouring plate.
5. 50% fo good to excellent results were obtained according to Neer rating system.
6. Complications included delayed union(1 case) and metal failure(1 case).

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