Journal List > J Korean Soc Fract > v.11(1) > 1077573

Park, Kim, Kang, Lee, Lee, and Park: The Treatment of Comminuted Fractures of Distal Humerus with Rigid Internal Fixation and Early Motion


Comminuted fractures of distal humerus are difficult fracures to treat because of their rarity and associated significant comminution. The results of managing theses fractures non-operatively are limited by failure to get anantomical reduction and early mobilization, which often results in painful stiff elbow and/or pseudoarthrosis. The goals of open reduction are to preserve articular surface and restore elbow function. Hence an operative management with anatomical reduction of fragments becomes the treatment of choice for these fractures. Authors analyzed 17 patients, with 30 months follow-up on an average, who were treated with open reduction and rigid internal fixation followed early mobilization during the period from jan. 1991 to Dec. 1996. Following results were obtained. 1. According to the Muller's classification, type A was 4 cases(23.5%), type B was 4 (23.5%), and type C was 9(53%) 2. Excellent or good results were obtained in 12 cases(71%) by the criteria of Aitken and Rorabeck. 3. There were limitation of full extension over 5degreein all cases and no other severe complications causing disability of elbow.

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