The purpose of this study was to describe the reported experiences of health management among twenty elderly workers living in urban areas.
Corbin and Strauss's grounded theory approach was used to capture the meaning of health management. Theoretical sampling technique was used in the interviews. Using open coding, axial coding, and selective coding, data were collected and analyzed simultaneously.
The core category was ‘pursuing health to take root in the workplace.’ Four stages of the elderly workers’ health management were identified as ‘awareness of health changes’, ‘having the will to be healthy’, ‘utilization of health care resources’, and ‘reorganization of health habits.’ However, when the elderly workers reported limited capacity to manage their health, then two new categories were described: 'awareness of health changes' and ‘settlement with current health.’
To the elderly workers the concept of working was equated with being healthy. Further, the participants reported having a future oriented view of health and sought health to extend their working lives. The specialized intervention of health management targeting elderly workers in the settlement stage of current health habits should be provided.
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