Journal List > Korean J Adult Nurs > v.28(3) > 1076400

Kim, Jang, and Shin: Factors Influencing Self Determination for Withdrawing Life-Sustaining Treatment of the Community Dwelling Elderly



This study was conducted to identify factors that influence on self-determination for withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment in the community dwelling elderly.


This study used a descriptive correlational design. A convenience sample of 201 elderly were recruited from a welfare center located in Seoul, Korea. Data collection was done from September 1 to September 18, 2015. Four survey questionnaires were used: Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS), Life Satisfaction Index-Z (LSI-Z), Attitude on Do Not Resuscitate (DNR), and Self-determination for Withdrawing Life-sustaining Treatment. Data analysis was done by t-test, ANOVA, Pearson's correlation, and hierrarchical multiple regression.


Hierarchial multiple regression showed that the factors predicting the level of self-determination for withdrawing life-sustaining treatment were educational level, DNR experience in family, life satisfaction, and DNR attitude. These factors explained 44% of the self-determination for withdrawing life-sustaining treatment in community dwelling elderly.


The results of this study suggest developing educational programs aiming at changing elderly's DNR attitude positive ways so that they can enhance self-determination for withdrawing life-sustaining treatment. Further study is needed with more elderly population in extended areas.

Figures and Tables

Table 1

Characteristics of Community Dwelling Elderly Participants (N=201)


DNR=do not resuscitate.

Table 2

Social Support, Life Satisfaction, DNR Attitude and Self-determination on Withdrawing Life-sustaining Treatment (N=201)


DNR=do not resuscitate.

Table 3

Relationships between Social Support, Life Satisfaction, DNR Attitude and Self-determination on Withdrawing Life-Sustaining Treatment of the Community Dwelling Elderly (N=201)


DNR=do not resuscitate.

Table 4

Influencing Factors on Self-Determination of Withdrawing Life-sustaining Treatment of the Community Dwelling Elderly (N=201)


DNR=do not resuscitate.


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