The purpose of this methodological study was to examine the validity and reliability of a translated Korean version of The Oncology Patients’ Perception of the Quality of Nursing Care Scale.
The translated scale was pilot tested and then administered to 360 patients with cancer. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were utilized to assess the factor structure. Internal consistency reliability was determined using coefficient ⍺.
Two of the 40 items were deleted with a principal component method of exploratory factor analysis because they did not meet the factor-loading criterion. The 38 items were again analyzed and, four factors were validated (KMO=.96, Bartlett x2=10809.81, df=780, p<.001). The four factors accounted for 60.9% of the variance. Factor loadings of the scale on the four subscales ranged from .65 to .91. The scale showed reliable internal consistency with a Cronbach's ⍺, total 38 items (⍺=.96) in four subscales: individualization (18 items, ⍺=.96), proficiency (10, .91), responsiveness (7, .90), and coordination (3, .80).
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Table 1.
Table 2.
A=corrected item-total correlation; B=Cronbach's ⍺ if item deleted; C=Cronbach's ⍺; Com.=communality; EV=explained variance; OPPQNCS-K=Korean Version of the Oncology Patients' Perception of the Quality of Nursing Care Scale; Factor 1=Individualization; Factor 2=Proficiency; Factor 3=Responsiveness; Factor 4=Coordination.