Journal List > Korean J Adult Nurs > v.27(4) > 1076339

Koh and Park: Health Literacy, Diabetic Knowledge, and Diabetic Self-care among Foreign Diabetic Patients at a Hospital in South Korea



The purpose of this study was to investigate health literacy, diabetic knowledge, and diabetic self-care among foreign diabetic patients at a hospital in South Korea.


Participants was 134 foreign patients diagnosed with diabetes and who understand English. Data were analyzed by SPSS version 20.0.


Health literacy significantly differed with HbA1c levels, whereas diabetic knowledge significantly differed with education levels, and time since diagnosed. Diabetic self-care significantly differed with time since the diagnosis. Health literacy significantly differed with diabetic knowledge and diabetic self-care. There was a correlation between health literacy and diabetic knowledge and between diabetic knowledge and diabetic self-care but not between health literacy and diabetic self-care.


There are significant results on health literacy, diabetic knowledge and diabetic self-care. Subject with adequate health literacy had high scores on diabetic knowledge and self-care.


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Table 1.
General Characteristics and Disease related Cha racteristics (N=134
Characteristics Categories n (%)
Age (year) ≤19 12 (9.0)
20~39 19 (14.2)
40~59 71 (53.0)
≥60 32 (23.8)
Gender Male 84 (62.7)
Female 50 (37.3)
Ethnic American 121 (90.3)
European 13 (9.7)
Education level <High school 7 (5.2)
High school 23 (17.2)
College 71 (53.0)
Graduate school 33 (24.6)
Duration of DM (year) <1 32 (23.9)
≥1~<5 49 (36.6)
≥5~<10 18 (13.4)
≥10 35 (26.1)
Duration of staying Korea (year) <1 33 (24.6)
≥1~<5 63 (47.0)
≥5~<10 11 (8.2)
≥10 27 (20.2)
Smoking Yes 14 (10.4)
No 120 (89.6)
HbA1c <6.5% 128 (95.5)
≥6.5% 6 (4.5)
Table 2.
Levels of Health Literacy, Diabetic Knowledge, and Self-care (N=134)
Characteristics n (%) or M±SD Range
Health literacy 4.33±1.79 0~6
Limited literacy 13 (9.7) 0~1
Possibility of limited literacy 20 (14.9) 2~3
Adequate literacy 101 (75.4) 4~6
Diabetic knowledge 13.97±4.16 0~23
Self-care behaviors 3.77±1.27 0~7
Diet 3.94±1.41 0~7
Exercise 3.60±1.83 0~7
Blood glucose test 3.70±2.56 0~7
Foot care 3.66±1.92 0~7
Table 3.
Health Literacy, Diabetic Knowledge and Self-care according to the Participants' Characteristics (N=134
Characteristics Categories Health literacy Diabetic knowledge Self-care
M±SD t or F (p) M±SD t or F (p) M±SD t or F (p)
Gender Male 4.31±1.64 -0.15 13.74±3.87 -0.80 3.85±1.32 0.91
Female 4.36±2.04 (.882) 14.36±4.62 (.426) 3.64±1.19 (.362)
Age (year) ≤19 3.42±2.07 2.34 130±5.34 1.77 4.16±0.95 2.41
20~39 3.84±1.61 (.076) 12.21±3.69 (.157) 3.39±0.85 (.070)
40~59 4.65±1.54   14.44±4.00   3.62±1.37  
≥60 4.25±2.17   14.34±4.14   4.18±1.26  
Education <High schoola 2.86±2.19 2.49 9.29±3.73 3.87 3.71±1.03 0.01
High scoolb 4.00±1.86 (.064) 14.87±3.48 (.011) 3.79±1.25 (.998)
Collegec 4.39±1.63   13.83±4.28 a<b, c, d 3.78±1.19  
Graduate schoold 4.73±1.89   14.64±3.86   3.75±1.53  
Duration of DM <1a 4.09±2.04 0.82 13.22±3.93 4.19 3.77±1.31 2.88
≥1~<5b 4.16±1.81 (.484) 12.90±4.13 (.007) 3.61±1.05 (.039)
≥5~<10c 4.72±1.36   14.61±2.87 a, b<d 3.29±1.57 c<d
≥10d 4.57±1.74   15.83±4.39   4.25±1.25  
Duration of staying Korea <1a 3.76±1.77 1.85 12.12±4.69 3.39 3.56±1.16 1.24
≥1~<5b 4.63±1.80 (.142) 14.89±4.10 (.020) 3.86±1.20 (.297)
≥5~<10c 4.55±1.97   13.91±4.70   4.31±1.52  
≥10d 4.22±1.65   14.11±2.52   3.60±1.43  
Smoking Yes 3.86±2.28 -0.84 13.71±4.91 -0.24 3.19±1.37 -1.84
No 4.38±1.73 (.417) 14.00±4.08 (.809) 3.84±1.25 (.069)
HbA1c (%) <6.5% 5.83±0.41 6.83 15.83±1.83 2.33 3.79±1.28 0.89
≥6.5% 4.26±1.80 (<.001) 13.88±4.22 (.049) 3.32±1.11 (.373)
Table 4.
Comparison of Diabetic Knowledge and Self-care according to the Health Literacy (N=134)
Variables Diabetic knowledge Self-care
M±SD t or F (p) M±SD t or F (p)
Limited literacya 10.00±2.92 13.85 2.85±1.10 4.28
Possibility of limited literacyb 11.70±4.00 (<.001) 4.06±1.14 (.016)
Adequate literacyc 14.93±3.86 a, b<c 3.83±1.27 a<b, c
Table 5.
Correlation between Health Literacy, Diabetic Knowledge, and Self-care (N=134)
Variables Health literacy Diabetic knowledge Self-care
Health literacy 1.00    
Diabetic knowledge .55 1.00  
Self-care .13 .29 1.00 

p<.05, p<.01, p<.001.

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