Journal List > Korean J Adult Nurs > v.27(2) > 1076315

Son and Choi: Effect of Job Embeddedness and Job Satisfaction on Turnover Intention in Nurses



The purpose of this studywas to analyzetheeffectsof jobembeddednessand jobsatisfactiononturn-over intentionin nurses.


The study designwas adescriptivesurveyand questionnaires were collected fromMay1to31,2014. Participantswere216 nurses. Datawereanalyzed usingindependent t-test, Scheffetest, ́ one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlationcoefficient and hierarchical multiple regression with the SPSS/WIN 21.0 program.


Job embeddedness was positively correlated with job satisfaction and negative correlations with turnover intention. Finally, job embeddedness and job satisfaction accounted for 33.1% of the variance in turnoverintention.


Resultsindicatethat jobembeddednessandjobsatisfactionarefactorsinfluencing turnover intention. Therefore, it is necessary to develop and make available programs embracing factors in the prevention and reduction of turnover intention.


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Table 1.
Differences of Turnover Intention according to the Participants' Characteristics (N=216
Characteristics Categories n (%) Turnover intention t or F p
Gender Female 211 (97.7) 3.08±0.62 -0.66 .513
Male 5 (2.3) 3.27±0.76
Marital status Single 119 (55.1) 3.21±0.55 3.25 .001
Married 97 (44.9) 2.93±0.68
Age (years) 20~ <25a 29 (13.4) 3.25±0.61 10.10 <.001
25~ < 30b 76 (35.2) 3.24±0.54 a, b, c, de
30~ <35c 38 (17.6) 3.20±0.49
35~ <40d 34 (15.7) 3.04±0.62
≥40e 39 (18.1) 2.57±0.67
Religion Yes 174 (80.6) 3.06±0.63 -1.17 .242
No 42 (19.4) 3.19±0.58
Degree 3-year diplomaa 75 (34.7) 3.10±0.61 19.83 <.001
4-year bachelorb 111 (51.4) 3.24±0.53 a, bc
≥Master'sc 30 (13.9) 2.49±0.67
Clinical experience (years) 1~ <5a 64 (29.6) 3.29±0.58 12.30 <.001
5~ <10b 64 (29.6) 3.14±0.50 a, b, c, de
10~ <15c 38 (17.6) 3.22±0.64
15~ <20d 31 (14.4) 2.87±0.45
≥20e 19 (8.8) 2.32±0.75
Department General warda 96 (44.4) 3.17±0.61 2.75 .029
ICUb 45 (20.8) 3.12±0.56 a, b, dc
OPDc 34 (15.7) 2.77±0.64
OR 20 (9.3) 3.08±0.60
ERd 21 (9.7) 3.15±0.71
Types of work 3-Shift 155 (71.8) 3.18±0.60 3.69 <.001
Full time 61 (28.2) 2.84±0.62
Job position Staff nurse 196 (90.7) 3.13±0.61 3.21 .002
≥Charge nurse 20 (9.3) 2.67±0.61
Salary (10,000 won/year) <3,000a 59 (27.3) 3.08±0.51 10.35 <.001
3,000~ <4,000b 96 (44.4) 3.27±0.59 a, b, cd
4,000~ <5,000c 39 (18.1) 2.97±0.64
≥5,000d 22 (10.2) 2.52±0.68

ICU=intensive care unit; OPD=out patient department; OR=operation room; ER=emergency room;

Scheffe test. ́

Table 2.
Characteristics among Job Embeddedness, Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention (N=216)
Variables    Possible range M±SD
Job embeddedness Fit 1~5 3.60±0.59
  Sacrifice 1~5 2.83±0.64
  Links 1~5 3.33±0.65
  Total 1~5 3.25±0.54
Job satisfaction   1~5 3.38±0.62
Turnover intention   1~5 3.08±0.63
Table 3.
Correlations among Job Embeddedness, Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention (N=216)
Variables Job embeddedness Job satisfaction Turnover intention
r (p) r (p) r (p)
Job embeddedness 1    
Job satisfaction .71 1  
(< .001)    
Turnover intention -.53 -.47 1
(< .001) (< .001)  
Table 4.
Predictors of Turnover Intention (N=216)
Variables  Model 1 Model 2 Model 3
β t p β t p β t p
Age (years) -.06 -0.43 .670 .00 0.01 .993 -.02 -0.17 .868
Marital status .06 0.63 .529 .11 1.36 .176 .10 1.27 .207
Degree -.02 -0.22 .826 .01 0.12 .901 .02 0.21 .834
Clinical experience (years) -.33 -2.21 .044 -.29 -0.91 .058 -.23 -1.55 .123
Department -.01 -0.13 .895 .03 0.49 .626 .01 0.12 .902
Types of work -.09 -1.21 .227 -.10 -0.43 .155 -.05 -0.73 .465
Job position -.08 -1.07 .288 -.06 -0.97 .333 -.07 -1.04 .301
Salary .00 0.90 .368 .13 1.49 .139 .15 1.74 .084
Job satisfaction       -.40 -5.78 < .001 -.18 -2.11 .036
Job embeddedness             -.35 -4.11 <.001
R2 change   .158     .117     .055  
Adj. R2   .158     .275     .330  
F (p) 4.85 (< .001) 8.70 (< .001) 10.12 (< .001)

Durbin-Watson=1.648, Tolerance=.72~.99, VIF=1.10~1.39;

Dummy (Married=1, Master's=1, Out Patient Department=1, Full time=1, Charge ≥ ≥ nurse=1).

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