This studyidentified the reasons why tuberculosis (TB) patients withhold treatment inabid todevelop a assessment scale to select patients who needs nursing intervention in the early stage and decrease the risk of discontinuationof treatment. Sample: There were two samples. A sample of 191 patients with TB and having primary treatment anda secondsample of N who were under re-treatment
The studydesignincluded qualitativeandquantitativemethods. Qualitativedatawerecollectedfromin-depthinterviewsof TBpatients under re-treatment. The quantitative data were collected from 191 patients with TB under primary treatment.
Exploratory factor analysis revealed 11 factors explaining 69.6% of total variance. These factors were categorized into four subgroups. A depression scale was used to establish concurrent validity. The depression scale had a positive relationship (r=54) with the discontinuing of primary treatment. The internal consistency reliability for the four subgroups was over. 84. The confidence coefficient was Cronbach's .95. The final scale was a self-reported ⍺ four Likert scale including 50 items.
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