To report a case of preventive intubation to coronary artery disease patient who underwent percutaneous coronary intervention following an anterior cervical spine surgery
Summary of Literature Review
Postpharyngeal hematoma occurs more to a patient who underwent percutaneous coronary intervention for myocardial infarction following an anterior cervical spine surgery. And postoperative airway obstruction due to it is one of the most serious adverse events associated with anterior cervical spine surgery. Preventive intubation was tried and it was useful for treatment.
Materials and Methods
A 61-year-old man suffered from neck pain and radiating pain on left upper extremity was performed an anterior cervical spine surgery. After operation, he complained acute myocardial infarction symptoms and Emergency percutaneous coronary intervention was performed. After that, postpharyngeal hematoma appeared and compressed the airway. Intubation was performed to prevent airway obstruction.
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