Journal List > J Korean Soc Echocardiogr > v.9(1) > 1075375

J Korean Soc Echocardiogr. 2001 Jun;9(1):57-61. Korean.
Published online June 30, 2001.
Copyright © 2001 Korean Society of Echocardiography
A Case of Acute Aortic Regurgitation due to Non-traumatic Rupture of the Aortic Valve Commissure
Nam Hoon Kim, Yong Sun Yoon, Heung Sun Kang, Chung Whee Choue, Kwon Sam Kim, Jung Sang Song and Jong Hoa Bae
Department of Internal Medicine, Kyunghee University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.

Trauma and non-traumatic aortic pathologies such as infective endocarditis, syphilis, fenestrated aortic valves, valves with myxomatous transformation, cystic medionecrosis of the aorta, and inherited disorders of connective tissue may occasionally lead to a rupture of the aortic valve. Among the causes of the rupture of the aortic valve, the non-traumatic aortic valve commissural rupture is extremely rare. The aortic valve rupture typically results in a rapidly progressive heart failure and frequently, death. Therefore, early diagnosis is followed by an immediate operation is necessary. The purpose of this article is to report the first successful operation in Korea of a 44-year-old male patient with acute aortic regurgitation due to non-traumatic rupture of the aortic valve commissure.

Keywords: Aortic valve commisure; Aortic regurgitation; Echocardiography

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