Journal List > J Korean Soc Echocardiogr > v.4(1) > 1075239

Han, Kim, Hur, Hyun, Kim, and Kim: Efficacy of 2-dimensional Contrast Echocardiography During Pericardiocentesis



Pericardiocentesis is simple procedure in itself but has been associated with serious complications. In this study we assess the mortality and morbidity of 2-dimentional contrast echocardiographically directed pericardiocentesis.


Fourteen patients(8 males and 6 females, mean age: 55 years) with pericardial effusion were included in this study. The 2-dimensional echocardiographic transducer was placed at the apex and a 4-chamber view was obtained. When return of fluid was obtained at least 10cc were aspirated and discarded, then 5cc of agitated saline solution were injected through the explorating needle and cloud of echoes indicated the position of the needle. When its position in the pericardial sac was confirmed, the needle was replaced by a catheter, then 5cc of agitated saline solution were injected through the catheter and cloud of echoes confirm the location of the catheter.


In all 14 patients a satisfactory apical 4-chamber view was obtained. The echocardiogram showed explorating needle in all patients but did'nt show exact location. The echocardiographic contrast effect produced by hand-agitated saline was seen in the pericardiac sac in all patients. The contrast study confirmed the position of the needle and catheter in the pericardial cavity in all patients. The life-threatening complications were not developed.


2-dimensional contrast echocardiographically directed pericardiocentesis is simple, safe and effective. It is useful in early detection of locating needle and catheter position, thus it could reduce the mortality and morbidity of pericardiocentesis.


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Fig. 1.
Apical 4-chamber view showing the pericardiocentesis needle within the pericardial sac.
Fig. 2.
Saline solution injected through the needle has produced a contrast effect(arrow).
Fig. 3.
2-dimentional echocardiogram showing the draining catheter within the pericardial sac(arrow).
Fig. 4.
The two apical 4-chamber views show the massive pericardial effusion(left) and contrast effect(arrow) through the draining catheter confirmed the catheter position(right).
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