Journal List > J Korean Soc Echocardiogr > v.12(2) > 1075126

J Korean Soc Echocardiogr. 2004 Dec;12(2):78-82. Korean.
Published online December 31, 2004.
Copyright © 2004 Korean Society of Echocardiography
Short-Term Effect of High Dose of Vitamin C on Coronary Flow Velocity and Coronary Flow Reserve in Healthy Young Non-Smoker Men
Moo Rim Park, Jin Won Jeong, An Saeng Lee, Kyung Ho Yun, Nam Jin Yoo, Sung Hee Shin, Eun Mi Lee, Seok Kyu Oh, Nam Ho Kim and Ock Kyu Park
Department of Internal Medicine, Wonkwang University School of Medicine, The Institute of Medical Sciences, Iksan, Korea.


Vitamin C, water-soluble antioxidant, has been reported to restore coronary microcirculatory responsiveness and impaired coronary flow reserve in smokers. However, the effect of high dose of vitamin C on coronary circulation is unclear in nonsmokers.


We used transthoracic echocardiography to measure the coronary flow reserve, an integrated measure of coronary flow in 20 male healthy nonsmokers (26±3 years) before and after administration of the high dose of vitamin C.


The coronary peak diastolic velocity was increased by 14.8% after administration of antioxidant vitamin C, whereas the coronary flow reserve did not changed.


High dose of vitamin C acutely increases the coronary flow velocity without restoration of coronary flow reserve in male healthy nonsmokers.

Keywords: Coronary circulation; Smokeless; Ascorbic acid

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