Journal List > Korean Circ J > v.6(1) > 1074756

Kim, Cha, and Kim: Blood Oxygen Content in the Various Chambers of the Right Side of the Heart in Patients without Intracardiac Shunts


It would seem logical that a left to right shunt may be localized to that chamber in which an increase in oxygen content beyond the normal variation is first seen, while this is generally true, there are certain limitations to such direct diagnostic interpretation. The interpretation of an observed difference in oxygen content is influenced by the result of extremely poor mixing or of a change in respiratory, circulatory or metabolic steady states. This is one of the major challenges to proper interpretation.
The purpose of this study was to analyze the blood oxygen content in various chambers of the right side of the heart in patients without shunt and to study the difference in oxygen content between the various chambers. The right heart catheterization was performed in 19 cardiac patients without shunt in Cardiac Laboratory in Hospital.
1. The blood oxygen content was 12.36±2.23 volume per cent (mean±standard error) in superior vena vava, 12.59±2.23 volume per cent in inferior vena cava, 12.59±2.23 volume per cent in mid-right atrium, 12.92±1.90 volume per cent in mid-right ventricle and 12.26±2.13 volume per cent in main pulmonary artery.
2. The mean difference of oxygen content was 0.16 volume per cent between superior vena cava and right atrium, 0.08 volume per cent between right atrium and right ventricle, and 0.06 volume per cent between right ventricle and main pulmonary artery.

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