Journal List > Korean Circ J > v.6(1) > 1074755

Kim: The Clinical Study of Congestive Heart Failure


The author analyzed the clinical study of 214 patients with congestive heart failure who were confirmed by the clinical symptoms and the laboratory findings among the admitted patients in Busan university Hospital between 1965 and 1972.
The results were summarized as follows:
There were males 127 and females 87 of 214 cases and the incidence was the highest in the 6th decade. The etiologic diagnosis was listed in table 2, that showed the rheumatic heart disease 34.6%, arteriosclerotic heart disease 23.8% and hypertensive heart disease 22.4% of total patients. The important symptoms such as dyspnea, palpitatia, fatigability, cough, chest discomfort and orthopnea were noticed and the physical findings such as heart murmur, hepatomegaly, edema, enlarged cervical veins, pulmonary congestion, arrhythmia and thrill were revealed on the admission.
The venous pressure, measured in 85 patients, was above 150mm H20 in 71 cases.
The serum chemical findings were listed in table 6 and abnormal retention of BSP was the most sensitive in congestive heart failure. The level of NPN, VUN and ceatinine was increased in one quarter of total cases.
The clinical symptoms and laboratory findings were more severe in the right heart failure or the right and left heart failure than in the left heart failure.
ESR was increased in 66.7% of cases and albuminuria was revealed in 47.1%.
The E.C.G. findings at admission revealed prolonged Q-Tc(41%), inverted T wave(44.3%), LVH(43.2%), depressed ST segment (35.2%), flat T wave (30.7%) and atrial fibrillation(27.8%). The Chest X-ray findings showed cardiomegaly(42.2%), Pulmonary congestion and cardiomegaly(20.3%), pulmonary congestion (11.2%) and pericarditis (4.2%).

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