Journal List > Korean Circ J > v.30(10) > 1073977

Ahn, Tahk, Whang, Yoo, Jang, Xun, Choi, Hwang, Yoon, Shin, Choi, and Kim: Intracoronary thrombosis treated with stent and abciximab in patient with membranous glomerulonephritis


The association of nephrotic syndrome with a hypercoagulable state and vascular thrombosis is well recognized. In all adult series of nephrotics, venous thrombosis are much more common than arterial thrombosis, which has been mainly reported in children. Intracoronary thrombus is among the rarest arterial thromboses. We present a case of acute myocardial infarction in a 39-year-old women with nephrotic syndrome secondary to membranous glomeluronephritis, in which subsequent coronary angiography showed no evidence of atherosclerotic change and thrombotic occlusion in the left main coronary artery which was successfully treated with intracoronary stent and intravenous abciximab.


Sung Gyun Ahn

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