Journal List > Korean Circ J > v.29(4) > 1073845

Kim, Chung, Shin, and Choe: Coronary Fistula Anastomosing between Right Coronary Artery and Left Bronchial Artery Accompanied with Cystic Lung Disease


We report a case of 86-year-old woman with coronary artery fistula connecting the right coronary artery and left bronchial artery accompanied with cystic lung disease presenting with dyspnea and chest pain. Coronary angiography revealed that right coronary artery was anastomosed with the collaterals of left bronchial artery at the right hilum and tortuously ascended along the aortic arch and descended connecting with left pulmonary lobar artery at a certain site which is faintly opcified showing to and pro phasic movement. Chest CT scan shows the multicystic changes of the left lower lobe of the lung and hypertrophied bronchial artery of left lobar bronchus. Under the diagnosis of coronary artery fistula, hypertensive heart disease and multicystic lung disease, patient's symptoms and signs were improved by conservative treatment without surgical intervention.

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