Journal List > Korean Circ J > v.29(11) > 1073787

Kim, Yoon, Choi, Lee, Lee, Chang, and Shim: A Case of Transluminal Stent-Graft Implantation at Right Subclavian Artery Pseudoaneurysm in Behcet's Syndrome


Behcet's disease is an uncommon disorder characterized by clinical triad of relapsing iritis, ulcer of mouth and genitalia. It is now recognized as a systemic disorder with mucocutaneous, ophthalmic, intestinal, respiratory, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, urogenital and neurologic involvement. Systemic complications affecting the arterial system of disease are rare and mainly the aorta and iliac arteries are involved. Invasion of arterial wall is the most common lesion, predisposing to false aneurysm or rupture. As the standard open surgery, although often difficult, needed second surgeries in 30% to 50% of the patients due to the occurrence of anastomotic false aneurysms, endovascular repair emerged as an alter-native treatment of aneurysmal or pseudoaneurysmal manifestrations in Behcet's disease. We report here a case of the pseudoaneurysm at right subclavian artery which is successfully treated with percutaneous stent-graft.

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