Journal List > Korean Circ J > v.28(7) > 1073536

Bae, Kim, Park, Shin, Kim, and Shim: Three Cases of Coronary Artery Fistula from Right Coronay to Left Ventricle


The coronary artery fistula from right coronary artery to left ventricle is a rare disease among coronary artery anomaly. We experienced three cases of rare coronary fistula and report with literature review. Although symptoms of coronary artery fistula are associated with arteriovenous shunt and coronary steal phenomenon, many cases are asymptomatic. In this report, all patients had no symptom. but incidental murmur was noted (two are continuous, one is diastolic rumbling). The diagnosis was made by transthoracic or transesophageal echocardiogram and selective coronary angiography. Because patients were relatively young and the diameter of dilated coronary artery were huge, we perfomed operation on three patients.

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