Journal List > Korean Circ J > v.21(3) > 1072689

Lee, Yoon, Jang, Cho, Shim, Kim, and Chung: The Effect of Lovastatin(Mevacor®) on Serum Lipids of Patients with Hypercholesterolemia


We evaluated the hypolipidemic effect and adverse reaction of Lovastatin, HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor 20 to 40mg once-daily in the evening, in 20 patients with primary hypercholesterolemia for 12 weeks and the following results were obtained.
1) Lovastatin significantly reduced the total cholesterol(from 264.8±12.9mg/dl to 195.3±31.3mg/dl) by 26.3%, TG(from 191.1±41.5mg/dl to 156.2±52.9mg/dl) by 18.3%, LDL-C(from 177.0±12.4mg/dl to 121.3±19.6mg/dl) by 31.5% and increased th HDL-C (from 39.8±4.2mg/dl to 41.6±5.0mg/dl) by 4.5% at the end of 12th week.
2) The adverse reaction during the period of study were limited to diarrhea and nausea in one patient, dryness of skin and itching in one patient, and no patients was withdrawn form therapy.
In this study, Lovastatin was well toterated and effective agent for the treatment of hypercholesterolemia without serious side effects.

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