Journal List > Korean Circ J > v.20(3) > 1072576

Chang, Choi, Park, Kim, Ryu, and Ryoo: The Study for Velocity Pattern of the Superior Vena Cava and the Hepatic Vein Using Doppler Echocardiography in Normal Adults


Noninvasive pulsed wave Doppler echocardiography recordings of flow velocities in the superior vena cava and hepatic vein have been compared with right hepatic hemodynamics and used to assess the states of various cardiac diseases.
This study defines normal Doppler ultrasound superior vena cava and hepatic vein flow velocities and their variation with respiration in normal adults. These results may be used for comparison with patterns found in disease states.
The results obtained were as follows :
1) The characteristic biphasic forward flow velocity pattern was found in superior vena cava and hepatic vein on all phases of respiration.
2) The larger peak forward flow occurred in systole and second, smaller peak forward flow occurred in diastole.
3) Reversal blood flow with atrial contraction (A wave) was present in 69.7 percent.
4) About 54% of the subjects had hepatic vein recording adequate for analysis, which were similar flow velocity pattern in the superior vena cava.

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