Journal List > Korean Circ J > v.16(3) > 1072293

Oh, Lee, Park, Choi, Seo, and Lee: Clinical Study on the Antiplatelet Aggregation Effect of Ticlopidine Hydrochloride(Ticlid®)


The antiplatelet aggregation effect of ticlopidine was studied in 22 cases of coronary artery disease(CAD) and 17 cases of control by obseving changes of plarma β-thromboglobulin(β-TG) and platelet factor 4(PF-4) before and after administration of ticlopidine 500mmg daily for 2 weeks.
1) Compared with the controls, CAD patients had significantly greater plasm levels of β-TG(52.6±32.7ng/ml. mean ±SD vs. 91.0±52.0, P<0.05) and PF-4(17.5±12.8 ng/ml vs. 32.9±24.5, P<0.05).
2) In controls, plasma levels of β-TG and PF-4 didn't change significantly after taking ticlopidine.
3) In CAD patients, plasma levels of β-TG (91.0±52.0ng/ml vs. 53.9±20.0, P<0.05) and PF-4(32.9±24.5ng/ml vs. 18.8 ±11.9(P<0.05) decreased significantly after ticlopidine.
4) The side effects were observed in 2 cases such as mild indigestion and urticaria.

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