Journal List > Korean Circ J > v.14(1) > 1072184

Bae and Lee: Echocardiographic Diastolic Left Atrial Emptying Index in Hypertensive Patients


M-mode echocardiography has been demonstrated to be a sensitive indicator of the sequential changes occurring in the heart in systemic arterial hypertension. The changes in function as well as anatomic features have been recorded. Previous analysis has focused on the anatomy and systolic function of the left ventricle, analysed in hypertensive heart disease.
13 normal subjects(Group I), 14 hypertensive patients without evidence of cardiac involvement(Group II) and 13 hypertensive patients with echocardiographic evidence of left ventricular hypertrophy(Group III) were compared using M-mode echocardiographic data and clinical. findings.
The results are as follows :
1) Mean age are; Group I : 41 years(19-62), Group II : 49 years(25-67) and Group III : 53 years(30-83). There are no significant age difference between Group I and II. Sex ratio are 4:9, 8:6 and 7:6 respectively.
2) Mean arterial pressure are; Group I : 98±5mmHg, Group II : 126±7 mmHg and Group III : 131±101mmHg.
3) Left ventricular posterior wall thickness are; Group I : 0.87±0.12cm, Group II : 0.89±0.12cm and Group III : 1.32±0.18cm(p>0.05 in I vs II).
4) Left atrial dimension are; Group I : 2.77±0.68cm, Group II : 2.96±0.44cm and Group III: 3.12±0.60cm.
5) Left ventricular mass arel Group I : 194±51gm, Group II : 192±51gm and Group III : 318±77gm(p>0.05 in I vs II, p<0.001 in I vs II and II vs III).
6) Ejection fraction are; Group I : 0.57±0.09, Group II : 0.60±0.01 and Group III : 0.52±0.01)p>0.05).
7) Mitral valve EF solpe are; Group I : 113.70±23.26mm/sec, Group II : 81.14±17.22mm/sec and Group III : 69.92±22.70mm/sec(p<0.05 in I vs II, p<0.001 in I vs III and II vs III).
8) AEI are; Group I : 0.70±0.04, Group II : 0.56±0.07 and Group III: 0.48±0.07)p<0.001 in I vs II, I vs III and II vs III).
From the above results, the atrial emptying index seems to be an early indicator of abnormalities of left ventricular diastolic compliance in hypertensive patients.

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