Journal List > Korean Circ J > v.14(1) > 1072181

Park and Lee: Assessment of Early Diastolic Left Ventricular Relaxation in Patients with Valvular Regurgitation(with Reference to Incremental Delta Elastance)


Early diastolic left ventricular relaxation was determined in 20 patients by combined echopressure measurement. 7 normal control cases and 13 cases with valvular regurgitation were studied with reference to incremental delta elastance. The hemodynamic and echocardiographic data were analysed during the phase of decreasing left ventricular elastance (that is, when pressure is decreasing while volume is increasing). Starting from a fixed level of wall stress (40 kdyne/cm2), we determined Incremental Delta Elastance(ratio △p/△V) by a constant increase in LV volume(eg. 10 ml/M2 or 20 ml/M2). We named Incremental Delta Elastance at 10 ml/M2 and 20 ml/M2 of LV volume increase as d-E 10 and d-E 20 respectively.
In valvular regurgitation, incremental delta elastances were statistically different from those of normal subjects(p<0.01). d-E10 was -1.67±0.69(versus -3.38±1.75 in normal subjects) mmHgm2/ml and d-E20 was -0.98±0.39(versus -1.69±0.84 in normal subjects) mmHgm2/ml.
d-E 10 and d-E20 were compared with ejection phase indices(ejection fraction, meanVcf) in whole group(n=20).
There was significant correlation between d-E and ejection fraction(d-E10 : r=-0.47, d-E20:r=-0.50) p<0.05.
There was significant correlation between d-E and meanVcf(d-E10: r=0.53, d-E20: r=-0.57) p<0.05. d-E10 and d-E20 were compared with volume indices(end-diastolic volume index and end-systolic volume index) but no significant correlation was found.
Because we evaluated that inotropic state or afterload would influence incremental delta elastance, further study, especially with reference to endsystolic volume index may be needed.
The absolute values between d-E10 and d-E20 were different but they were simliar in property.
We concluded that incremental delta elastance(d-E10 or d-E20) could be used as a useful index of early diastolic relaxation in chronic valvular regurgitation.

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