Journal List > Korean Circ J > v.14(1) > 1072179

Lee, Chang, Park, Han, Kim, Kim, and Song: Clinical Study on Mitral Valve Prolapse


During 1 year and 9 month period, from September, 1980 to June, 1983, retrospective study was performed on 35 patients with Mitral Valve Prolapse at Kyung Hee University Medical Center. And the following results were obtained;
1) The mitral valve prolapse syndrome presents with various cardiovascular symptoms including dyspnea(63%), palpitation(49%), chest pain(34%), syncope and dizziness(11%).
2) Of 35 patients with MVP, 17 cases were isolated MVP, 13 cases were associated with cardiovascular disorders and 5 cases were associated with non-cardiovascular disorders.
3) Electrocardiographic abnormalities were found in 20 patients with MVP. The most common abnormality was ST-T change and atrial fibrillation, VPB, RBBB, first degree A-V block and W-P-W syndrome were also noted.
4) QTc interval prolongation was more common in serverely symptomatic patients with MVP.
5) 18 cases in 35 patients showed systolic click or murmur on phonocardiography.
6) Of 35 patients with MVP, 19 patients demonstrated prolapse of the anterior leaflet, 11 patients demonstrated prolapse of posterior leaflet and 5 patients demonstrated prolapse of the both leaflets.
7) There were severe derangement on echocardiography in severely symptomatic patients were MVP.

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