Journal List > Korean Circ J > v.14(1) > 1072148

Lee, Park, Kwak, Jun, Park, and Park: Effects of Thoracentesis on Thoracic Impedance and Cardiac Performance


Effects of thoracentesis on thoracic impedance and cardiac performance were studied in patients with uncomplicated unilateral tuberculous pleural effusion. The speed of the removal of the pleural effusion in thoracentesis was essentially similar to that of a generally used for therapeutic purpose in daily practice. Thoracic impedance was measured in 23 cases before, 4 and 10 minutes after thoracentesis to the amount of pleural effusion aspirated was observed. In 11 cases out of 23, the changes in cardiac performance as assessed by stroke volume, cardiac output, heart rate, heather index and ratio of pre-ejection period to left ventricular ejection time(PEP/LVET) were observed 4 minutes after 150 ml to 1,000 ml of thoracentesis. In these cases, stroke volume, cardiac output, and Heather index were determined from impedance cardiograms, and PEP/LVET from mechanocardiograms recorded simultaneously with the former.
A significant increase in thoracic impedance was observed both 4 and 10 minutes after thoracentesis. There was a slight but a significant correlation between the changes in thoracic impedance and the amount of pleural fluid aspirated only 4 minutes after thoracentesis. Thoracentesis showed no consistent influence on cardiac performance as reflected to stroke volume, cardiac output, heart rate, heart index and PEP/LVET. These facts suggest that measurement of thoracic impedance may be a useful method reflecting alterations in pleural fluid volumes, particularly when it occurs in a relatively short period of time, and the effects of thoracentesis of less than one liter on the cardiac functions as determined by the above-mentioned parameters were variable.

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