Journal List > Korean Circ J > v.14(1) > 1072146

Lee, Yoon, Cho, Kang, and Park: A Clinical Study of Hypotensive Effect of Tripamide(Normonal®) in Essential Hypertension


The hypotensive effect of tripamide(Normonal®) were evaluated in 31 cases of essential hypertension. Fifteen to thirty mg of tripamide per day were administered continuously for 8 weeks. The results were as follows;
1) The systolic blood pressure was significantly lowered from 175±15 mmHg(Mean±SD) before treatment to 144±17 mmHg after treatment(p<0.01), and the diastolic blood pressure was significantly lowered from 106±11 mmHg before treatment to 90±12 mmHg after treatment(p<0.01).
2) The systolic blood pressure was lowered 20 mmHg or more in 25 out of 31 cases(80.7%), and the diastolic blood pressure was decreased 10 mmHg or more in 25 out of 31 cases(80.7%) at the end of 8 weeks treatement.
3) There was no significantl differences in the level of SGOT, serum cholesterol, serum electrolytes(Na+, K+, Cl-), BUN, creatinine and urinc acid before and after treatment with tripamide.
4) In most cases the subjective symptoms disappeared or became easier after tripamide treatment.
5) Profound weakness was developed in 2 cases during tripamide administration.

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