Journal List > Korean Circ J > v.14(1) > 1072142

Yang, Kim, Park, Lee, Koh, and Lee: Clinical Application of Ambulatory Holter Electrocardiographic Monitoring


24-hour Holter ambulatory ECG monitoring has been examined for the cardiac evaluation during ordinary activities in 81 subjects with suspected or propostmyocardial infarction (PMI), 12-lead ECG and the 24-hour ECG tape showed similar basic rhythm, heart rates and conduction patterns, but ventricular premature contractions (VPCs) were more frequently recorded on the 24-hour tape. Of 17 PMI patients, one or more VPCs in 14 cases (82.4%), multifocal VPCs in 3 cases (17.6%) and bigeminy or paired VPCs in 5 cases (29.4%) and transient runs of ventricular tachycardia in 1 case (5.9%) were observed on the 24-hour monitoring.
2) Of 30 patients with typical or atypical chest pain, 20 examinees had changes in the ST segment and/or T wave, but 10 examinees did not have any pathological changes in the ST segment or in the T wave.
3) Of 26 patients with dizziness and palpitation during waking periods, sinus rates were 76.4±12.8/min. and the ranges were 134.1±15.1/min. and 58.7±9.1/min. Average sinus rates observed during sleeping periods were 61.6±10.3/min., the ranges were 92.7±11.4/min. and 51.5±8.7/min. In general, longer PR interval, QTc interval, QRS duration and high R amplitude were observed during sleeping periods than waking periods.
4) Of 64 patients without PMI, all subjects had episodes of normal sinus rhythm and brady-and-tachycardia syndrome in 5 cases, VPCs in 23 cases, APCs in 2 cases, AV block in 4 cases and W.P.W. syndrome in 2 cases were observed during 24-hour Holter ECG monitoring.

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