Journal List > Korean Circ J > v.14(1) > 1072141

Kim, Park, Kim, Kim, Kim, and Song: Diastolic Time Intervals and Systolic Time Intervals in Hypertensive Patients


For many years, interest in cardiac function has primarily centered around the systolic pump performance of the left ventricle. it is now recognized, however, that diastolic abnormalities may be just as important in the pathophysiology of certain cardiac disease states.
To examine the left ventricular abnormalities (especially diastolic events) in hypertension, diastolic and systolic time intervals were measured from simultaneous high-speed recordings of a phonocardiogram, ECGs, apexcardiogram, echocardiogram and external carotid pulse in 35 hypertensive patients and were compared with those in 15 normal subjects.
The hypertensive patients showed significantly prolonged preejection period (PEP) and shortened ejection time (ET), compared to those in normal control subjects (p<0.005, p<0.05 respectively). The PEP/ET ratio too was different from the control subjects in hypertensive patients (0.335±0.050 vs 0.422±0.666; p<0.005).
The isovolumic relaxation time (IVRT) was increased to 81.3±15.0 msec, which was significantly longer (p<0.005) than in normal subjects (56.7±10.7 msec), in patients with hypertension. The active filling period (AFP) was also prolonged. In patients with hypertension there was no significant difference in rapid filling period and slow filling period compared with those in normal subjects.
It is likely that in hypertensive patients the alterations of diastolic time intervals, reflecting disorders in elasticity and compliance, may occur in conjunction with abnormal systolic events.

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