Journal List > J Korean Radiol Soc > v.45(2) > 1069169

Oh, Cho, Kim, Kim, Kim, Han, and Lee: MR Findings of Spinal Cord in Decompression Sickness


PURPOSE: To determine the MR imaging findings of spinal cord decompression sickness. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We retrospectively analysed the spinal MR images of eight patients (M : 6, F : 2) with decompression sickness affecting the cervical spine (n=1) or thoracic spine (n=7). The observed extent, location, continuity, signal intensity and contrast enhancement pattern of spinal cord lesions were analysed. RESULTS: The chief MR finding was continuous (n=2) or non-continuous (n=3) high signal intensity on T2-weighted images in the posterior paramedian spinal cord. In three cases, additional T2 signal abnormality in the ventral horn of the gray matter was observed. There was no signal intensity abnormality on T1- weighted images or abnormal enhancement on post-Gadolinium T1-weighted images. In one case, cord swelling in addition to T2 signal abnormality was observed. CONCLUSION: MR imaging is useful for evaluating spinal cord lesions in patients with decompression sickness.

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