Journal List > J Korean Radiol Soc > v.39(2) > 1068299

Kim, Oh, Yoon, Hong, Kim, and Lim: Removal of Ureteral Stents by Fluoroscopic Guided Second Snare Technique: Technical Note


The snare technique has been used for the removal of ureteral stents. If, however, a stent has migrated to theupper or lower pole calyx, snaring-due to close contact between the stent and the calyceal mucosa or narrow spaceof the renal calyx-is impossible. By using the second suare technique, which involves snaring the previouslyinserted guidewire, the large renal pelvic space can be used for the removal of a migrated ureteral stent. Wedeseribe two cases and discuss the safety and efficacy of this technique.

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