Journal List > J Korean Radiol Soc > v.38(3) > 1068135

Lee, Byun, and Kim: Intracranial Angiolipoma : A Case Report1


Intracranial angiolipoma is extremely rare. We report the radiologic findings of angiolipoma in the right middle cranial fossa, extending medially into the suprasellar and cavernous sinus region, in a 63-year-ola woman. The lesion was a relatively well marginated extra-axial tumor that showed low density on precontrast CT and marked enhancement after contrast infusion. MR imaging showed heterogeneous low signal on T1W1 mixed with hyperintense foci on T2W1, and marked enhancement after gadolinium infusion. On cerebral angiography, displacement of the right internal carotid artery by the tumor was seen. On an arteriogram of the right external carotid artery, the mass showed persistent capillary blush.


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Fig. 1.
CT scan without (A) and with (B) intravenous contrast infusion. A. There is a relatively well demarcated heterogeneous low density mass in the right miaale cranial fossa. B. Intense and homogeneous enhancement is evident after contrast infusion.
Fig. 2.
MR imaging of the brain A. Tl-weighted image shows an extra-axial mass with mostly iso-intense signal and several hyperintense foci. B. T2-weighted image shows hyperintense signal. C. Gadolinium enhanced coronal Tl-weighted image shows homogeneous intense enhancement.
Fig. 3.
Selective right external carotid arteriogram shows dense capillary blush.
Fig. 4.
Photomicrograph(H&E, X 200) shows varying sized vessels and mature adipose tissue.
1998亼䰼 䴀⪤䏗㽔㻠㢨⪧⥴ 㛯㥬⩷㽔 㢄㟫 㪸佌 (Π)
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‘99 㡛⪧㼣㻠䏤 㴠㍓ ‘99 Fellowship 㴠㍓ 䘸台 98. 7. 31(凸) ⪧⥴ 劓㟤⧯䟛㣼㤰⥴
‘99 Scholarship 㴠㍓ 䘸台 98. 7. 31 (凸) ⪧⥴ 劓㟤⧯䟛㣼㤰⥴
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