Journal List > J Korean Radiol Soc > v.37(2) > 1067928

Cho, Im, Lee, Cha, Kim, Lee, Lee, Song, and Yeon: Radiologic Findings of lymphoproliferative Disorders of the Lung


Lymphoproliferative disorders of the lung consist of a spectrum of several entities from malignant lymphoma to variable non-lymphomatous lymphoproliferative disorders. While an entity may be histologically benign and can be cured without treatment or by surgical removal, malignancy may evolve, and aggressive treatment may thus be required. Radiographic and pathologic findings of an entity may overlap, but differential diagnosis of lymphoproliferative disorders of the lung is nonetheless important. In this paper we illustrate a variety of lymphoproliferative diseases of the lung that have been pathologically proven during the last ten years, and discuss their radiographic and pathologic characteristics.

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