Journal List > J Korean Radiol Soc > v.30(1) > 1066786

Choi, Han, Kim, Kang, and Lee: Air in Vagina: Significance in the Staging of Uterine Cervical Carcinoma


PURPOSE: To evaluate tlne significance of vaginal air seen on CT scan in preoperative staging of uterine cervical carcinoma. METHODS AND MATERIALS: A comparison was made between CT findings of vaginal air and true vaginal involvement status in 85 patients with uterine cervical carcinoma. CT findings were analyzed in terms of the presence or absence of vaginal air, number of CT slices in which vaginal air was seen, shape of vaginal air, and relation of vaginal airto cervical mass. RESULTS: Vaginal air was present in 35 patients and was absent in 50. Although the mere presence of vaginal air or multiplicity of CT slices showing vaginal air did not signify the presence of vaginal involvement, vaginal air with irregular margin or vaginal air adjacent to uterine cervical mass was suggestive of vaginal involvement. CONCELUSION: These observation of vaginal air in interpreting CT may be helpful in the preoperative staging of uterine cervical carcinoma.

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