Journal List > J Korean Radiol Soc > v.24(6) > 1065705

Chang, Jung, Byun, Kim, Hwang, and Park: Radiologic viewpoint of splenic abscess


Splenic abscess is not a common disease, and has been infrequently diagnosed during life because of vaguesympton and the presence of underlying disease. However, advent of newer diagnostic imaging and interventionaltechnology have augmented our ability to diagnose and treat the abscess. Authors exprienced eight cases of splenicabscess, which were confirmed by operation or aspiration and, herein, we discribe the radiological viewpoint andclinical course. Summary is follows: 1. Radiological finding was well defined, noncontrast enhancing wedge orlentiform lower density lesions, either single or multiple, focal or massive, parenchymal or subcapsula inlocation. Progrosis was favorable in focal parenchymal lesions after medical treatment. 2. Pancreatitis is themost common combined disease and this made the localization delay. 3. High incidence of sterile culture suggestspossibility of anaerobic or fungal infection. 4. Hypoechoic lesions suggesting splenic abscess should be aspiratedunder the guidance of ultrasound and the aspirate should be cultured including anaerobic and fungus. CT scanshould be done for better evaluation of the lesions. 5. According to pathology, organism and loculation pattern,various treatment modalities can be considered rather than routine splenectomy.

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