Journal List > J Korean Radiol Soc > v.22(3) > 1065453

Kim and Yeon: The currarino triad of anorectal, sacral, and presacral anomalies


The Currarino triad is a unique complex of congenital anomalies including anorectal malformation, scral bonyabnormality, and presacral mass. The usual symptomatology is constipation due to anorectal stenosis. Threepatients with this triad confirmed by surgical operation during recent two yeas in Seoul National Universitychildren's Hospital were presented with a brief review of clinical features, unique radiologic appearance andpostulated pathophysiology. The presacral mass was a mature teratoma in the first patient, alipomyelomeningocele-epidermoid inclusion cyst in the second patient, and myelomeningocele in the third patient. Acorrect diagnosis of the Currarino triad by radiologists is important, and may help the phsicians to investigatedetailed family history and associated anomalies and to establish adequate surgical plans.

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