Journal List > J Korean Radiol Soc > v.22(3) > 1065446

Lim, Ko, and Kim: Sonographic changes of the gallbladder wall in cholecystitis: a sonographic-pathological correlation


To assess the pathological basis of the sonographic changes of the gallbladder wall in cholecystitis, thesonographic appearances of the gallbladder wall were analysed in 17 patients with acute cholecystitis and 27patients with chronic cholecystitis, and correlated with pathological specimens removed at surgery. In acutecholecystitis, a thin sonolucent layer within the echogenic gallbladder wall corresponds to subserosal edema,hemorrhage and inflammatory cell infiltration: in chronic cholecystitis it corresponds to subserosal edema,hemorrhage and inflammatory cell infiltration: in chronic cholelcystitis it corresponds to subserosal edema,hemorrhage and inflammatory cell infiltration, in chronic cholelcystitis it corresponds to muscular hypertrophy.Indistinctness and/or a low echogenicity rind along the inner margin reflects mucosal sloughing or obliteration ofthe mucosal folds. Uniformly decreased echogenicity of the wall is caused by severe inflammatory cell infiltrationwith sloughing of the mucosa or obliteration of the mucosal folds. These sonographic singns are considered to bevaluable sings of cholecystitis.

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