Journal List > J Korean Radiol Soc > v.22(3) > 1065437

Suh, Chung, Choo, and Chang: Computed tomography of delayed encephalopathy of acute carbon monoxide poisoning: correlation with clinicalfindings


Cerebral CT findings were described in twenty-six cases with the late sequelae of acute carbon monoxidepoisoning and were compared with the neurological symptoms and signs. The CT findins include symmetricalperiventricular white matter low density in five cases, globus pallidus low denstiy in six cases, ventriculardilatation in seven cases, ventircular dilatation and sulci widening in three cases, and normal findings in tencases. Only one case showed low densities in both periventricular white matter and globus pallidus, Late sequelaeof the interval form of carbon monoxide poisoning were clinically categorized as cortical dysfunction,parkinsonian feature, and cerebellar dysfunction. The severity of the clinical symptoms and sings of neurologialsequelae is generally correlated with presence and multiplicity of abnormal brain CT findings. But CT. Anothercase showing small unilateral low density of globus pallidus had no parkinsonian feature but showed mild corticaldysfunction.

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