Journal List > J Korean Radiol Soc > v.17(3) > 1064854

Han, Han, Min, and Lee: Digital subtraction angiography


Recently, technical developments in digital electronics and imge intensifier have improved the electronicrecording and processing of images. Both departments of radiology and of medical engineering of Seoul National Univeristy Hospital jointly developed idgital subtraction angiography system(SRM-I) and performed DSA in patients. The system was composed of angiography equipments, computer, video image storage and logarithmic amplifier. Fluoroscopic images were taken before and after 40-60 ml of contrast media were intravenously injected with speedfo 12-15 ml/sec. The images were recorded by V.T.R. with normal speed. The recorded images were processed with digitization, amplification, sutraction, enhancement, position manipulation and image smoothing. Arteriography of neck vessels, abdominal aorta and its branches and extremities were performed successfully by above mentioned methods in 20 cases and results were reviewed.

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